Nino Tvaltvadze

Barnov st.#57, Kutaisi,Georgia,4600;
(+995 431) 24-84-39; Mobile: (+995 593) 60-25-63;
Deputy Mayor of Kutaisi Municipality
From May, 2016 till December,2017 Eastern Partnership Coordinator and Project Manager of European Association for Local Democracy - ALDA
From May, 2016 June, 2017 Project coordinator of the project “CHOICE - Cultural Heritage: Opportunity for Improving Civic Engagement” - ENI/2015/360-942
From May, 2016 –December, 2016 Coordinator of the project “Update on Public Administration and Local Governments Reforms in EaP” – funded by the CSF EAP
From May, 2016 July, 2017 Responsible for implementation of the activities in the project “ SPREAD II: Sustainable Partnership for Reinforcement of Active Development” – Belarus, ENPI/2014/338-995
From July, 2014 – April, 2016 Executive director of Local Democracy Agency Georgia
From July, 2015-till December, 2015 Project Director of the “Vision of new
generation” – AA with COE –
From September, 2014 – till May, 2016 Co-director of the project “Mobilized civil
Society for local Democracy” -
From 31 December 2013 July, 2014 Administrative Manager of Kutaisi David the Builder International Airport
From October 2012 till 31 December 2013 Legal Manager of Kutaisi David the Builder International Airport
From June 2013-till September 2013 Acting head of HR department of Kutaisi city Hall
2011 -2012 Development Manager of Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association Kutaisi branch
from September 2011-2014 Assistant of coordinator of the `Fund for Support of Legal Education`; Project `Legal Masters Scholarship Program West Georgia`
From November 2013 till 2016 Lector at Kutaisi University
from October 2009 –2016 Lector of Akaki Tsereteli State University
2007-2009 Lector at LLC Tbilisi Academy of Law and Economics
2009 -2011 Head of Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association Kutaisi branch
2008 September-December Coordinator In Imerety Region Of project “Young Lawyers for Constitutional, Civil and Administrative law in Georgia”
2006-2008 y.
Lawyer Of L.L.C. “Komforti”- Constructing company
2002 - 2007
Lawyer, LLM
Kutaisi, Akaki Tsereteli State University
Law Faculty
From 2017
PHD Student of GAU (Georgian-American University)
Deliberative Democracy Institute (DDI) exchange 1 and 2;
Certificate to Legislative Process and Governance Fellow, for successful completion of the “Professional Fellows Program”. May,2013;
Certificate of Achievement, Chicago Commission on Human Relations; Fellowship April 4-May 8, 2013, Chicago, Illinois;
Certificate for successfully completed the training course on “Outcome and Impact Oriented PME and related EED Requirements”, Baku, 2nd-6th of April,2012
Certificate of participation awarded to Nino Tvaltvadze from Kutaisi, Georgia for attending the ``European Youth Seminar on Human rights and Participation``, Strasbourg, 2-7 November 2010
Training on management and advocacy held in Tbilisi, 2009 November
Certificate for participation in the training on “Active Citizenship” organized for Kutaisi Local Self-Government and Civil Society Organizations, by Congress of Local and Regional Authorities and the Association of the Local Democracy Agencies on 1-3 December 2009 in Kutaisi.
Youthpass for Youth Exchanges, Nino Tvaltvadze born on 03/06/1985 participated in “Youth 4 Gender Equality”. A Youth Exchange with 41 young people from Germany, Italy, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey and Ukraine. The activity took place from 19/08/2009 to 29/08/2009 in Storkow,Germany.
Certificate for successful completion of the Street Law `Train the Trainer` Workshop, sponsored by the DC Street Law Clinic, fall 2006;
Successfully completed a training course in the Introduction to Civil and Human rights in the United States
April 18, 2005;
Successfully completed a training course in the “Economics of Globalization”
Successfully completed a training course in the “Introduction to Civil and Human Rights in the United States”
Course G: Civic education-content and measures for a sustainable development
Language skills
Mother tongue(s) Georgian
Experience as a Trainer:
1. Invited Trainer of Cultural-Humanitarian Fund `Sukhumi` on Gender equality issues for women candidates in west Georgia, Local self-government issues for Women members of City councils of Georgia;
2. Invited Trainer of Kutaisi Education, Development and Employment Center on Advocacy and children’s rights;
3. Invited Trainer of NGO `Spectry` on Advocacy;
4. Invited Trainer of NGO CENN on Advocacy and Public Outreach.
Member of:
1. Member of Women Voter’s Club – created by the cultural-humanitarian fund `Sukhumi`;
2. Member of `Women’s Club` created by the organization `Women for regional development`;
3. Member of Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association;
1. National Evaluator of the Fund of Women Entrepreneurship work –June, 2011;
2. Co-evaluator of the project “Georgia Internally Displaced People’s Community Development Project (IDPCDP) – December, 2012;
3. Participant of the film `Difficult choice – `Women in Politics`;
4. Author of booklet “Administrative Proceedings”;
5. Author of research on Local Self-governance in Georgia – prepared by GYLA;
6. Invited expert of Council of Europe on Local Government in the frame of the project “Strengthening institutional frameworks for local governance”;
7. Author of the survey on development of active citizenship - A way to strengthen local democracy in Eastern Partnership countries – annex to the report of the CORLEAP rapporteur – Mayor of Gdansk- Mr. Pawel Adamowich:
8. Member of the “community of practice” created by the Council of Europe Congress of Local and Regional Authorities;